We were delighted to be invited by SITRA to collaborate, together with Carers Trust, on a new Guide to the Mental Capacity Act, funded by the Department of Health.
It has been specifically designed to support carers of people with dementia and was shaped by input from individual carers, carers groups, professionals and specialist support groups.
The Guide contains advice and support for carers in supporting those they are caring for to make decisions, or when they have to make decisions on their behalf, and gives useful information on when and how to get support and when to involve other people as well as on ‘best interest’ decisions and Lasting Power of Attorney.
It also contains a diary section to record key decisions or events.
“Wonderfully laid out for harassed carers to quickly navigate through.” Family carer
“I have found it such a useful tool to give to care workers as part of their MCA training.” Healthcare trainer
Click here to download a copy of the Guide.
Should you wish to place a bulk order please email enquiries@carechartsuk.co.uk .or call 01403 210485.
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