These are some of the comments made by people using our products. More than just “yes, they’re fantastic” kind of remarks (though we love those too) some people have shared their experiences of where they position the charts and posters and how they use them, which may prove helpful if you are deciding whether any of our products would be of benefit to your hospital, care home, agency or in your own home.
Standard Charts
“We find our Remember-I’m-Me Standard Care Charts an indispensable part of our holistic care for residents. We initially bought ten to see whether they would work for us. The staff and relatives were all very pleased, so we then bought enough to give one to every resident. They’ve been in place for over a year now; because they are wipe clean they can be changed as often as needed and have proved very durable..” Ellie Cant, Manager, Furze Hill House, Salvation Army.
“We have been using the Remember-I’m-Me Care Charts since March 2011. We hang them just behind the door of each resident’s room, so the information is easily available to the staff, but not immediately on view to visitors. They have withstood the test of time very well so far and they help our carers enable our residents to achieve their maximum quality of life.” Dian Sampson, Manager, Amy Woodgate House
“We have been using the care charts at Westcliffe Care Home for approximately 8 months. We believe they make a real difference to the quality of life our residents lead; because it means we get the things that matter to them right – particularly the small things that really make a significant difference. We do not often have agency staff but when we do they all comment on how useful the charts are. The charts get them up to speed very quickly which means they can deliver quality, individualised care immediately – and of course they have gone down very well indeed during inspections! ” Simon Hodgkinson, Owner, Westcliffe Care Home, Nottingham
“I just thought you would like to know that in our recent CQC inspection, the inspector was extremely impressed with the Care Charts. He had not seen them anywhere else and endeavoured to get them into the report, which he did.”
Rea, Manager, Whitefriars Nursing Home, Southall
“We are delighted with the Remember I’m me charts. They are professional yet eye catching and easy to read for staff as a ready prompt for quality, person centred care. We have had lots of positive comments from relatives about the format and are now using the wall charts to supplement the success of the file charts.”
Jo Stovold, Manager, Ifield Park Care Home, Crawley
“The care charts seem to be working very well, the inspector loved them.
We currently hang the charts at the head of each service users bed. We have 17 service users here and we have 3 main shift leaders, therefore we have divided up the service users into 3 groups and each shift leader is responsible for updating their designated charts. This is done on a monthly basis and is done with the service user, we use “their words” not ours so that the service user can then read it back in language that is familiar to them. We do have some users who are unable to have input into the charts due to dementia so their charts are updated by the staff and the service users families to ensure we have the right information.
We are very lucky in that we do not have a high turn over of staff and do not use agency staff so know our residents well. However, if we were to have a crisis and need emergency staff it’s nice to know that any one could walk into the home and with the individual care plans and the wall charts a good all round picture of each resident could be built very quickly. ”
Laura Knight, Deputy Manager, St Margarets, Southampton
“Hi thank you for the delivery we have begun putting them in our residents room, everybody loves them” John, Care Home Manager
Twist-N-View Charts
“The Twist-N-View charts are a great truly person-centred way to quickly see a summary of the Residents’ needs and wishes. Having the information in this form about Residents is really useful to the care team, so they and the Residents benefit from their use. With their consent we now use the Twist-N-View charts for all the Residents in the home, it was great for them to have a choice of pictures to go on the front of them, and this maintains confidentiality too. A super additional tool, and excellent value for
money.” Jakki Anderson, Interim Non-Clinical Lead, Westerleigh Nursing Home, Seaford________________________________________
“We find the Care Charts are particularly useful for part time staff who may not know our residents quite so well, and for the first few weeks of a resident’s stay as we get to know them. With turnover of residents having increased significantly in recent years, the care charts really help us provide a more personal service from day one. We find they help with the personal touches that may have been overlooked in the care plan but are instantly available on the care chart. We haven’t yet been inspected since starting to use the charts but did discuss the concept with the inspector on their last visit who thought it was a great idea.
“We had been considering using the earlier versions of the charts but were delighted when you developed the Twist-N-View version, because we really like the idea of being able to keep a person’s information hidden from a casual visitor, and there is nothing institutional about having a picture hanging on the wall. We like our residents to feel at home so the more personal we can make our care the better, and these charts help us do that.” Alistair Hope, Proprietor, Temple House, Ayrshire
“I couldn’t possibly have hoped for a better result…” click here for full feedback from Sue Cook, OPAL lead at Epsom Hospital, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
“We recognised that personalisation of care is crucial…” click here for full feedback from Peninsula Community Health, Cornwall
Pocket and Filesize Care Charts (Pocket Chart shown)
“We are using both Filesize and Pocket Care Charts. They have proved to be a very valuable document for our residents. They especially come into their own when we have agency staff or new staff members. Easy to read and more importantly can be written by the resident or the families. They provide an at a glance picture of the resident so care is correctly given at all times. Residents who have to attend hospital also benefit as do the hospital staff and the transition is made so much smoother. The care charts means that the resident or the family do not have to repeatedly explain the care needed by the resident. I would highly recommend them as a useful tool in person centred care.” Carey Bloomer RGN, Nurse Manager, The Uplands at Oxon
Filesize Care Charts 
“A few months ago we were put under a little pressure from Social Services to have more readily access to information from an individuals care plan.
Care Charts UK [now known as Mycarematters] came along and provided us with the answer we needed.
We have placed a ‘Remember I’m me’ care chart on the back of all wardrobes in the care home giving certain information that is relevant to the carer without having to go to the nurse station to look at the care plan.
The staff have found this very helpful in providing care and we have the support from Social Services who have seen the charts and favour them for all Service Users.
We have notified CQC and although they have not been seen the idea went down well.
I fully recommend these charts for the care home which assists the care staff into providing good quality care.”
Andrew Geach, Proprietor, Shedfield Lodge
“We are delighted with the Remember I’m me charts. They are professional yet eye catching and easy to read for staff as a ready prompt for quality, person centred care. We have had lots of positive comments from relatives about the format and are now using the wall charts to supplement the success of the file charts.”
Jo Stovold, Manager, Ifield Park Care Home, Crawley
Daily Prompt Posters
The staff love them, we’ve dotted them round the home. They’re one of the best things I’ve bought. Helps with relatives and visitors to get a better understanding as well.
Sarah Wookie, The Red House, Fareham
The care charts and prompt cards arrived yesterday. We are very happy with the products. In fact we had the prompt cards on the wall within hours!
We are delighted with them and there has been a very positive reaction from both staff and families. Thank you.
Jane Middleton, Manager, Dryfemount Care Home, Lockerbie